Thursday, June 27, 2019

Introducing Noah Henry Clark

     All I ever blog about is a new baby but hey, it's one way to get the birth story down. With social media these days blogs are just not the way I update but I always like coming back and reading the story with each baby so here we go!

      We decided back in August 2018 that we were going to try for baby #3. We didn't get pregnant that month and I was relieved because I decided that I wasn't really ready to take that on. Next month came and I wasn't tracking my cycle very well and realized there could be a teeny tiny chance I could end up pregnant the next month. I went off to Spokane and completely forgot about it. Once I got home I decided to take a pregnancy test just to confirm that my period was coming in a few days. I took the test and put it on the counter and went back to cleaning up the kitchen. I go back to it and there is a very obvious second line and I started freaking out and laughing but in a nervous way. I was laughing because I honestly didn't think I would have ended up pregnant this time. I run up to the barn where Bryce was with the kids and show him the positive test and he doesn't believe it. It took a while for us to wrap our minds around it.

     So, pregnancy wise, it went pretty much the same as the others. I decided early on that I couldn't handle the nausea and take care of two kids so I used zofran and that was a game changer! I was able to eat and function and not feel bad all day. The only bad side effect was extreme constipation. I have to include that to remind myself for next time.

     I had the protein with this pregnancy again, had to go to MFM and they said everything was fine. I will need to go see a renal doctor in a few weeks just to see if we can figure out why I spill the protein while I'm pregnant and to see if there is an underlying issue when I'm not pregnant. My blood pressure was perfect at every appointment and I didn't have any swelling or anything so we weren't too worried about preeclampsia.

     My due date was June 25, 2019 and I wanted to be induced on Friday, June 21st. I like the induction because I am terrified of going into labor and not being able to get my epidural in time. I don't like pain so being induced allowed me to control when I was ready for the pain to end haha. So my doctor scheduled my induction but the hospital wanted me to come in on Thursday June 20th at 7:20pm. I didn't like that plan because I felt like it sets you up for extreme lack of sleep. You're up all night, up all day and then awake at night because now you have a newborn. But whatever, I wasn't going to argue. I was getting the kids settled over at Kay's house when I come back to the house and realize my doctor called me and said that the hospital is understaffed and they are bumping me to Friday morning. I was so happy! Also, Maycen came over for the birth and to take pictures for me!

     Friday morning, I call the hospital at 6:20am to check in and make sure they aren't full and the nurse said "sorry, we're full right now and need to push your induction back. We will call you". She didn't take my name or anything so that made me nervous because she didn't even know who I was. With Sully I was pushed back a few hours so I assumed that I would just go in a few hours later. Bryce, Maycen and I wait around a while and then go get Ihop for breakfast and figure they would get me in shortly.

     After breakfast I call again (around 10am) and they said that they are really busy and pushing all inductions to Saturday 6/22 morning. I was super sad but I understand that I can't go in if they are full. We go home and then Maycen, Reagan and I go shopping to take our minds off not getting in.

     Saturday 6/22- I call in at 6am and they are pushing my induction again! The nurse said that they had a couple of women who should deliver in the morning and they would call me to reevaluate and let me know when I should come in. That was the worst because I just sat around waiting for a phone call. No phone call. I call at 12 and the nurse told me that I was second on the induction list but they are still full. She was nice though and gave me little more information and said she would call me 1-2 hours before they would admit me. That gave me a little reassurance that I was on their radar and that I would have time get my stuff together and the kids situated before needing to leave.

     Sunday 6/23-Since I didn't get a call on Saturday I decided to call Sunday morning and just check. I've talked to different nurses each time so I wanted to make sure they were aware I still hadn't come in yet. I call at 6am and they are pushing me back again but said that they should get me in by this afternoon but by evening for sure. They had lots of people leaving and that would open up some rooms. I felt pretty confident that I would be getting in that day. So, since it was Sunday we go to church to help keep me from sitting around. I was frustrated at all of the reschedules but I wasn't overdue yet and I understand you can't control women having babies!!

     Anyways, 11:00 am I get a phone call telling me to come in at 1:00 for my induction! I was stoked! After church we went home and got our stuff together and left! They say that the 3rd baby throws a wrench into your "plan" of having a baby and this was definitely a wrench!

     Sunday, June 23, 2019- Arrive at the child birth center at 1:00 and get all situated in my room and get my IV in. I was checked at was dilated to a 2 and having little contractions. They placed the cytotec at 2:30pm. (I have used the cytotec with Reagan and Sully to induce labor and it was worked great. It normally take 4 hours to work and from there they either give you another dose of cytotec or start pitocin depending on your bodies reaction. My body just needs one dose and then contractions start happening along with dilation and effacement).

     3:00pm-Contractions have started and are 1 and a half to 2 minutes apart and are super consistent. With Sully it took 4 hours on the dot. This time it took 30 minutes. I labored for a while, Bryce napped and then went and got some dinner for us. Maycen and I played a game of Rummikub.

     8:00pm-Contractions are coming harder and faster and I decide to get my epidural because I was done with the pain and figured that I had a few more hours left.

     8:15pm-My epidural is in and starting to work. My nurse said that she will check me at 9:15 and give me a catheter. I haven't been checked at all besides that first initial check when I was a 2. A few minutes later we lose track of baby's heartbeat and contractions so the nurse comes in to try and find them. I'm laying on my left side but we can't get the monitor to stay on my stomach and pick them up. The only way we were getting them is if she pushed the monitor and held it on my stomach. I try rolling to my right side to see if we can find it over there. After I roll over baby doesn't like that side at all so we roll back. All during this time my contractions which were a crampy feeling before is now extreme pressure but mostly in my left butt cheek. I kind of wondered if I was complete but because of the pressure being in my butt and me being numb we didn't really know what was going on. The head nurse comes in and checks on us because of the decels in Noah's heart rate. She asked if my nurse had checked me and she said no but decided that now we should. He wasn't deceling in a bad way, just in a way that normally means he's ready to come out. The nurse checks me and said "She's complete and a +1 station! Call her doctor! This was at 8:50pm. We find a good but awkward position for me to lay in that keeps baby's heart rate normal. I was on my back, tilted to the left with my right leg in the stirrup and my left leg laying on the bed.

     9:06pm-My doctor rushes in after running a red light and taking a nap because we thought I had a little longer before time to deliver. She comes in and has me give a little push and a half and then he was born! I was so confused because I didn't realize how quickly it was going. I remember saying "she better hurry because he's coming soon" because I felt him moving down. I also laughed at one point and helped push him out too. It was so fast though I don't remember when that happened. She gave me one tiny little stitch and was gone! She was in the room by 9:06pm he was born at 9:10 and was done with everything by 9:25pm. There is literally nothing else to tell because there wasn't any details. I pushed once and out he came. How anti climatic!

     I got to my post partum room around 11:30ish and Bryce and Maycen left and baby Noah and I were on our own for a while. He is so cute and came out looking just like grandpa Jeff and is currently a mixture of Sully and Reagan but with black hair.

     We went home the next day around 3pm and have been doing well since. I am healing great and the afterbirth cramping with your 3rd baby is NO JOKE. I feel like I'm in labor because of all the contractions that happen randomally and I'm ready for another epidural haha!

    Anyways, Noah Henry Clark was born Sunday June 23, 2019 at 9:10pm. He weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20 inches long. Welcome to the family, baby boy.

After they told me I was complete and at a +1!

This was the weird position they had me lay in to keep Noah's heart rate happy

Literally waiting for my doctor to come in so I can push this baby out
This was when I was thinking "She better hurry because he's coming"
I could feel him coming down

"Give me a little push"

1 and a half pushes later, he was here!

I cried, and the first thing I said was "Oh, its Jeff" because he looked just like his grandpa

Our new little guy!

Testing out the boob

Liking the boob
If you have the shakes, get yourself a warm blanket!

First family picture 

 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long

The kids love helping our doctor give a check up!
Sully waiting patiently 

Our doctor has delivered all 3 kids and Noah was her first 3rd baby from the same mama!
We love her!

Clark Party of 5!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Sully Newborn Pictures

Holley also did Sully's newborn pictures! I'm in love!

So excited to be a big sister!

Reagan & Sullivan

lil' dinosaur

baby toes

my heart

baby fingers

Love, Jordyn

Sully Birth Pictures

Holley did an amazing job capturing the birth of Sully! Now for -out of order- some pictures! 

Meeting Dad

Nursing for the 1st time

Cute footprints

Weighing 7 lbs 2.2 oz


pug socks

1st family picture

Nonna & Grandpa 

Nonna & Reagan

Family of 4

Grandpa Jeff

Aunt Holley