Saturday, November 22, 2014

36 weeks and counting!

My last month of pregnancy is here and it seems surreal! I still can't believe I am 9 months preggo! I am so ready and so not ready for her to come! I have her bag packed, my bag packed, carseat installed, diapers, wipes and lots of other baby stuff. Her current room situation is still being worked on so we will not have her nursery set up for a little while longer. I am going to order her co-sleeper/pack n play on Wednesday and hopefully have her little area set up by the end of the week! Here is an update and a bump picture!

  • How far along? 36 weeks 2 days (9 months)
  • How big is baby? The size of a honeydew 4-6 lbs, 17-18 inches
  • Total weight gain? 16 lbs
  • Maternity Clothes? Yes
  • Best Moment this week? Hangin out with Bryce down in Seattle
  • Miss Anything? Long enough shirts to cover my belly-the one I am currently wearing is too short
  • Movement?: Yes. She loves to jab me in the ribs
  • Food cravings? String Cheese
  • Food aversions? Chicken
  • Symptoms? Pregnancy waddle, hip pain
  • Labor Signs: I think I'm having some Braxton Hicks but I'm not sure yet
  • Belly Button in or out? In.
  • Wedding Rings on or off: On
  • Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
  • Looking forward to: getting her out
  • Next appointment? 2 days! I am going weekly now and I hope to see if I am dilated at all on Monday!

35 weeks 2 days, before my baby shower

Love, Jordyn and Reagan