Friday, December 31, 2010

meet Ellie!

On Christmas I was looking on craigslist and KSL looking at kittens because I think they're cute. After finding some cute ones and bribing Bryce a little I got a little kitten! Her name is Ellie. She's 4 months old and sooooo cute! She is finally getting use to the house and she comes out and plays with her toys. She is potty trained so luckily I didn't have to deal with that. She also likes to cuddle. At night she will lay on me for hours! It's cute. She is still scared of Bryce but she is getting use to him. She is also attached to me. I love my little Ellie. Check out how cute she is!

Her eyes are closed in all the pictures because the flash was blinding her!

21st Birthday!

I turned the big 2-1 on the 29th! Bryce and I went to a movie, ("How do you know"--which is SUPER DUMB, don't go see it!) walked around the mall and went to TEXAS ROADHOUSE for dinner!! The weather was super snowy, wet and cold and the roads were HORRIBLE! They were covered in ice and you seriously could have ice skated on them. It was pretty scary! All in all, I had a great day! Here are some pictures!

candy and a movie gift card from Jenny, Taylor and her mom

a photo album of all my wedding pictures

$20 from my grandma

and a Pina Colada (virgin, of course) from Texas Roadhouse!

My dad also gave me $100 bucks, and Granny gave me $10.

Christmas 2010

Bryce and I celebrated our first Christmas together! It was fun, we opened presents and went to Jenny's parents house for Christmas casserole breakfast, came home and watched movies and relaxed! It was a great day! Here are a few pictures!

our Christmas eve picture

our Christmas eve presents!

Bryce got pajamas for Christmas eve!

and so did I!

our pajama picture

Christmas Morning!

Bryce got a Cabela's gift card!

and some COKE!

I got a Hobby Lobby gift card!

and a North Face hoodie!

and an iron and a bubble fish tank!

Those were just a few of our gifts, and we hope every one had a great Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh, the weather outside is...


Yepp, we had one snow day here out in Utah. I feel bitter sweet about because it just doesn't feel like Christmas yet because there is no snow! Although I am grateful it was a warm day outside today.

                                                              making a snow angel!

                                                                Pausing for a picture

Me and my fluffy jacket!

                                                              our Snowman Filbert

We have a cute christmas tree and some stockings!


stockings and our snowflake stick ons

I leave on Tuesday to go home for a week and I get to go to two of my best friends wedding! Dani Jarman and Phillip Enkey will be married in the Washington DC temple on Friday the 17th. I am so excited that I get to go and be there for them. I also get to go down to North Carolina for the reception. I will get to see people that I haven't seen since 2006! I am so excited! Unfortunately Bryce won't be able to go because he has to stay home and work :(

                                                           Dani and I back in in 2006

I'm very excited to see my family too and spend time with them.

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good holiday season and a Merry Christmas!