Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh, the weather outside is...


Yepp, we had one snow day here out in Utah. I feel bitter sweet about because it just doesn't feel like Christmas yet because there is no snow! Although I am grateful it was a warm day outside today.

                                                              making a snow angel!

                                                                Pausing for a picture

Me and my fluffy jacket!

                                                              our Snowman Filbert

We have a cute christmas tree and some stockings!


stockings and our snowflake stick ons

I leave on Tuesday to go home for a week and I get to go to two of my best friends wedding! Dani Jarman and Phillip Enkey will be married in the Washington DC temple on Friday the 17th. I am so excited that I get to go and be there for them. I also get to go down to North Carolina for the reception. I will get to see people that I haven't seen since 2006! I am so excited! Unfortunately Bryce won't be able to go because he has to stay home and work :(

                                                           Dani and I back in in 2006

I'm very excited to see my family too and spend time with them.

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good holiday season and a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of us from 2006! I miss you so much! im soo glad you got to come to our reception!!!
