Sunday, April 3, 2011

my new pet. (Day 6)

Today is a picture of an animal that I would love to keep as a pet. I already have Ellie so I'm guessing she doesn't count. When I was younger I always wanted to be a Marine Biologist. Now, who doesn't want to be that when they are little? After I grew up, a little, I decided I didn't want to be that. Sometimes though, I do wish that I worked at sea world. With, the Dolphins.

I would like a dolphin for a pet. He/She could live in my bathtub. Or I could get a pool and it could live in there.

Look how cute!

I would train them to do cool tricks

I would love to see this in person!

What animal would you like to keep as a pet?

Tomorrow: is My Dream Wedding. This will be fun.


  1. Jordyn!!! I wanted to be a marine biologist SO bad when I was little. I still want to grow up and have a dolphin for a met in my back yard. Seriously, that has been my dream for as long as I can remember. We are basically soul mates! HaHa.

  2. haha that is too funny! and the even funnier thing is, is that we both are doing sign language, well you are, i did a little and will possibly do it in the future, but still. Same idea! I love being soul mates! :)

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