Thursday, April 28, 2011

A tv show I am currently addicted to (Day 14)

A show that I am currently addicted to is:

The Secret Life of the American Teenager

I also like to watch:

Teen Mom

Who's line is HILARIOUS!

I love Shemar Moore!

I have been a super slacker on my blog challenge. Some days when I try to post pictures it will say "server rejected" and it won't let me, then I get mad and don't do it for a day. Or week. Anyways, I will eventually do this!

Monday, April 18, 2011

my favorite musician (Day 13)

At work we like to rock at to this guy...


He's not my favorite singer but for this blog post, he is.

"cause I was like baby, baby, baby, OH!"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good ol Provo, Utah (Day12)

Today is a picture of the town I live in...Provo, Utah.

Provo, Utah

Provo Temple

LaVell Edwards BYU Stadium


Y Mountain

Monday, April 11, 2011

What is in my makeup bag (Day 11)

I have bee a little behind and missing a few days but I have good reason. I have literally lived at work since Tuesday at 2pm. I have only been home to sleep, and then after that I'm back at work.
Today's challenge is what is in my make-up bag. Well, I don't have a bag, it's a cute little basket. So here is what is in it:

covergirl concelear

natural colored eye shadow

brown eyeliner

maybelline falsies' mascara


I perfer the more natural look so I don't wear alot on my face, and I like the natural look on my when it comes to eye shadow.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dumb Blogger

Sooo, I am trying to post for my 30 day challenge and the picture is saying "server rejected"...not sure what is going on. Does anyone know? I hate blogs without pictures so I can't post about "what's in my make up bag" until this gets fixed. As for now,

Good Night.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My favorite place to eat! (Day 10)

Today is my favorite place to eat. Well I like alot of places but my favorite would have to be...

I asked Bryce what it is and he said Chili's becuase 9 times out of 10 we go there. They just have this delicious baked potato soup and salad with ranch that I love to get. And it's only like $6. I also enjoy the chips and salsa. And let's not forget, their Diet Coke is AMAZING!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In N Out Burger (Day 9)

The last thing that I purchased today was an In N Out Cheeseburger, with Fries. It was for lunch! And it was delicious. I am working 2 full days at work today and tomorrow so I deserved it. Let me show you a picture of this deliciousness.

mmm. enough said.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A song to match my mood (Day 8)

I have been feeling very happy these last few days. Just full of love and full of life. This song is the one the that has added to my feeling of happiness. It is called Alive by Becki Ryan. Its is from the movie, Flicka. I recommend you listen to it.
Here is a youtube link if you want to listen to the song. Just click here!

Here are the lyrics:

Stuck in a world
no longer turning
always a girl
waiting for something
to many days walking round sleepin
open my eyes I'm tired of dreamin

I wanna run with reckless emotion
find out if love is the size of an ocean
even if I crash down and burn out
at least I'm gonna know what its like to feel alive

hey yeah hey yeah yeah yeah

sun on my face
lights of the city
maybe in love
or just learnin to be
on my two feet
I can only imagine
I'll say the words and believe it will happen

I wanna run with reckless emotion
find out if love is the size of an ocean
even if a crash down and burn out
at least I'm gonna know what its like to feel alive

they think they know but how can they know me
I'm getting to know myself
I'm finally ready to be somebody
with a story to tell

I wanna run with reckless emotion
find out if love is the size of an ocean
even if I crash down and burn out
at least I'm gonna know what its like

I wanna feel till my heart breaks wide open
I wanna raise like a fire thats growin
even if I crash down and burn out
at least I'll know what its like to feel

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Dream Wedding (Day 7)

My perfect dream wedding would include:

this cute guy

we would be sealed in this temple<3

I would be wearing this dress

these would be the shoes, and those would be the flowers
this wedding party, Outfits included

This maid of honor, Jenny

the Kindred Family

the Clark Family

these table decorations and colors

these ones too.

This cake and cupcakes

we would eat cake

we would take cute pictures of us smiling

and cute ones of us kissing.

I would toss my bouqet

to a bunch of cute girls

bryce would take off the garter

and toss it to cute boys (who you can't see in the picture)

we would have a bbq style reception

and drive away in a decorated car

It would be the best day of our lives. And the best thing about this dream wedding, was that it was MINE!

Bryce and Jordyn Clark

August 28, 2010

in the Spokane Washington Temple

Sunday, April 3, 2011

my new pet. (Day 6)

Today is a picture of an animal that I would love to keep as a pet. I already have Ellie so I'm guessing she doesn't count. When I was younger I always wanted to be a Marine Biologist. Now, who doesn't want to be that when they are little? After I grew up, a little, I decided I didn't want to be that. Sometimes though, I do wish that I worked at sea world. With, the Dolphins.

I would like a dolphin for a pet. He/She could live in my bathtub. Or I could get a pool and it could live in there.

Look how cute!

I would train them to do cool tricks

I would love to see this in person!

What animal would you like to keep as a pet?

Tomorrow: is My Dream Wedding. This will be fun.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

High school (Day 5)

Today is a picture of me from Highschool. I thought it would be cool to put 4 pictures of me in high school, one for each year. So, here it goes:

9th grade/15 years/Havelock High School/Drivers Ed

10 grade/16 years/Havelock High School

11th Grade/17 years old/Salinas High School

Senior/Graduated!/18 years /Salinas High School

High school was fun, but I'm sure glad that's over.

Tomorrow: a picture of an animal I would love to keep as a pet.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Best Friend(s)! (Day 4)

I forgot to blog yesterday so I am doing 2 in a row. Thanks too Destinee for reminding me that I skipped a day! Today is a picture of my best friend. Now, how do I choose this? Do I choose my best friend from North Carolina, Dani Enkey? Or my best friend from California Stephanie Locke? Or Richelle Ang from Virginia? Jenny from Utah? Or my husband Bryce who I'm stuck, I mean sealed to forever? Is my Mom my best friend? Brother or Sisters? My cat? My friends from work? Moving around alot I have LOTS of best friends so I pick all of you! Sooooo here are some pictures :)

Dani from North Carolina

Stephanie from California

Richelle from Virginia

Jenny from Utah

Sisters: Maycen, Riley and Kaylie

My brother, Kyle
My Husband

My mommy

All my Linx friends, we need to take some pictures together so I can add it to my blog and remember you forever!

Stay tuned for tomorrow: a picture of me from High School!