Friday, April 23, 2010

Don't worry, we passed.

Well our white glove cleaning check was just as normal as our other ones. He (our RA) walks in checks the oven, freezer and microwave, walks down the hall (doesn't even check in our rooms) and checks the shower and the toilet, walks back and says "You all passed" and then leaves. Me and Jenny talked to our RA's last night and they said "this is going to be a serious one, so make sure everything on the list to clean is clean". So we did and they didn't even notice our hard work. Oh well. We passed and that's all that matters.

So me and Bryce have been engaged 1 week and 1 day. How exciting. I haven't seen him since Sunday morning at like 4:30am. He is currently hunting right now and I am working and dying at the same time. He will be here Monday and that just seems so far away! I have to work all day tomorrow and then Sunday and when he gets here I'll probably be at work, AGAIN! gahhh.

Wedding plans are...well...coming together in my head! I know what I want my cake to look like,  I know what I want the bridesmaids to wear and my mom is finding the fabric and all of the colors. I know who I want to take my engagement pictures and where I'm going to go to make the engagement invitations. I also know my bouquet! So ya, now that they are together in my head I just need to call people and start getting it organized. Oh and I need ideas for FOOD at the receptions. Any ideas? Thanks. :)

Anyways that is all I have for now, except I went to work at my other job (which is at a satellite company) and got paid $10 an hour to help organize shirts, go and get a pizza for me and Lance, answer the phones a few times and play solitare and come up with more wedding ideas. What a GREAT JOB!!!!

I think adding a picture always adds to a blog so I picked this one of me and the CUTEST dog EVER! Me and Tallulah

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