Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Family

Here is a little info about my family:
Dad, Mom, Jordyn, Kaylie, Kyle, Maycen and Riley

Dad: Marine, flys airplanes, super cool, lives in Japan and the best dad ever!

Beware Bryce!

Cute, funny, my best friend, creative, crafty, and a photographer

Kaylie: Sista Friend
the oldest little sister (I can't believe she is 17 and almost 18), we get along most of the time because I live in Utah and she lives in Virginia. Cute, fun, outgoing, wild thang.

My favorite brother, ever!
Handsome, spoiled, manly man, ladies man, dirt bike riding man, and other manly thing he could be. ;)

Dad's favorite, smartest, cutest, tinest, blondest, curious, funniest sister I have.
"What would you do if a fire truck caught on fire?"
"If I was gay, you could call me Gaycen"

the gymnast, the baby of the family, funky, random, hilarious, sure darn cute, and everyone's favorite little sister:

Put us all together and what do you get? The KINDRED KLAN!
the best family ever.

Let's not forget, We're adding Bryce to the family August 28th!

my lover, my other best friend, cute, funny, nice, smart, hard worker, worthy and he's TAKIN ME TO THE TEMPLE!

Love you all! I wouldn't be who I am today without all of you!


  1. This is so cute Jordyn. Can't wait for the wedding!

  2. You forgot Jordyn, Oldest, bestest friend, fun, beautiful, crazy, silly, talks in "dog" daughter in the world. Love ya

  3. HE better be taking you to the temple! hahaha
