Saturday, July 17, 2010

ABC's of Thanks

Does my title even make sense? I found this on someone's blog. It was called the ABC's of Thanksgiving. Even though it's July I am still thankful for lots of things. If you are not on here don't worry, I'm still thankful for you :)

A –AMERICA. Took me a minute to think of that one. But, definitely AMERICA. I'm grateful that I am able to live here. 
B – hmm let me think about this one....thinking....still thinking...why can't I think of ANYTHING that starts with a B? Oh ya there is this one Boy named BRYCE. yepp, I like him. he's my BEST friend. And we will be married for time and all eternity in 42 days :)
C –CARS. I'm so glad I don't have to go horseback. :)
D – Dad. Gotta Love that guy. I sure Do..
E – Exercise. When I'm in the habit it makes you feel great!
F – Friends. It's great to get a way from your normal life and go hang out with people you love.
G – GUM. Nom nom nom. It is so fun to pop your bubbles, especially if your sister (Kaylie) hates it. 
H – HEAT. I hate being cold. End of Story.
I – Ice CREAM. Coldstone. Oreo Overload. I'm in Heaven 
J – Jesus. I was going to say my name but then I thought of someone better. Do I need to even explain WHY I am thankful for Jesus?
K – Kaylie-my sista friend. I can't wait till you move closer (Rexburg Idaho) and come and visit Bryce and I for the weekend. KYLE- my handsome little brother. You're so darn cute. Love you
L – Laughing. Laughing is seriously, the best medicine. 
M – Mom. Serious, Enough said on that one. Don't forget. Maycen either.
N –Nike. Seriously, JUST DO IT.
O –Organization. I love when my things are in the spot they should be things are clean and picked up.
P –Peeing. Such a relief.
Q – Quiet. now Shhh
R – Riley.the best littlest sister I have. So funny. and my cute little doggie Rutra
 S –Salt. Makes everything better :)
T – Temples! The house of the Lord. Best Place on Earth!
U –UVU. Where I hope to be going one day.
V – Violet. I love anything purple
W – Weddings. I love to see people so happy together and starting a new life. I can't wait to have mine.
X – I've got nothin.
Y – Yellow. Our new kitchen is yellow. Such a happy color.
Z – zucchini –from Tepanyaki. So delicious.

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