Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We've got furniture!

I've got some pictures of our cute new couch! I love the stripes, but it's just a little dirty so I don't like to sit on it yet. Anyways, when we bought it we only had 30 minutes to get it in the apartment. Little did we know it was an extra big couch and it is impossible to get in our small basement apartment.

Here is a before picture:

I wish I got a picture of what it looked like in between

After pushing, pulling and kicking, taking off the railing and taking out the light bulb Jenny's dad came over to help us. And within about 5 minutes he and Bryce squeezed our big couch into the living room.

And here ya go:

It's pretty cute if I say so myself. The dirt has just gotta go.
Other then that, I'm very happy with the way I spent my $25

Oh, Also, Bryce turned the electricty on because he is moving in early because his roomates are gross we decided we needed to finally get a mattress. After some soul searching for one, we found one for $148 dollars. Bought it and got it in our apartment, way easier than the couch. Our little apartment is starting to come together :)

Anyways, have a GREAT night!

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