Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy 2 months!

Today, Bryce and I have been married for 2 months! This second month has gone by very slow, although it is crazy that Halloween is in 3 days! ( I still don't know what I am going to dress up as for our ward Halloween party). Anyways, last night in the car I asked Bryce what he is going to get me/do for me on our 2 month anniversary. This time I actually get something, but I'll let you decide how special it made me feel:

Me: "Do you know what tomorrow is?"
Bryce: "Halloween?"
Me: "No, it's the 28th tomorrow"
Bryce: "Oh, we've been married for 2 months."
Me: "Yep, so what are you going to get me this time?"
Bryce: "I'll take you to the dollar movie."
Bryce: "We can see 'Despicable Me', you wanted to see that"

Anyways, I guess being married for 2 months is better then one because at least I get to go to the movies, even if it is just a dollar one.

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