Tuesday, March 29, 2011

me and my day (Day 1)

Jordyn and Ellie

Here I am snuggling with my cute little kitty!

My day has been good! First I went to the gym with Jenny, then went tanning. The weather has been gray and foggy for a while so I'm lovin the fake sunlight! After that Bryce and I went to chick fil a for lunch, looked at new running (gym) shoes and bought some hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works. After that we went home and picked up a little and I went to work. I have been at work since and it hasn't been too bad either. Tonight I will watch my trashy show Teen Mom 2, and I will love it. Then I will go to bed and hopefully wake up early and go to the gym!

Stay tuned for tomorrows post on something I ate. Which will be alot because we are having a yummy treat day at work, so lots of good stuff to share!

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