Saturday, March 26, 2011

up in technology

When smart phones started to come out and be popular I told myself I never really wanted one. Probably because I thought I wouldn't know how to work it. I did get an ipod touch a little over a year ago and I thought that was pretty cool. I liked that you could go on the internet if you had wifi or you could download apps and play on those. It's sweet.

One day Bryce and I decided to go look at smart phones and decided we needed one. So low and behold I have a new phone. And let me tell you, it's pretty sweet. I thought getting on the internet with wifi was cool, but this phone can get on the internet without it! It's pretty sweet to just pull it out and can look anything up, whenever I want.

I decided that I wanted to get this beauty:
the iphone 4.

It's awesome.

Bryce decided that he wanted to get this one:

the Droid X

His phone is pretty sweet. Or so I've heard. He won't let me play with it. :P

Now my mom thinks she needs a Droid too.

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