Sunday, October 30, 2011

Horseback Riding

Bryce has been dying to go horseback riding so we decided to go! It was at Soilder Hallow, in the Canyon! It was a little cold but the view was beautiful! It was lots of fun. We went with a group (but we didn't know them). When they were getting us on our horses, Bryce saw a horse that he didn't want. Then the guides called him and he got that one. I was a little nervous so I wanted a small horse. I saw the biggest horse and I was thinking, please don't let me have that one. Then they called me and they put me on the BIGGEST horse. I got the horse Bryce wanted and the one I didn't. I was asking the guides about my horse and they said that he was the best horse here. So that made me feel a little better.

Bryce on his horsie. We forgot his name though.

"Home, home on the range"

I asked Bryce to take a picture of me on my horse. He must have only heard the "me" part because you can't tell what I'm sitting on.

"Woody" kept wanting to eat the grass instead of take pictures

After I saw the picture of me without the horse Bryce had to take another one.


Do you see how tall he is? Look at my stirrup. I had to use a step stool to put my foot in it.

It was a lot of fun and I wasn't nervous after we started going. I didn't mind going up into the mountians but I didn't like going down the hills. It was a little wet and the horse in front of me slipped a few times. (Nothing happened, his foot just slid) so it made me nervous that my horse was doing that too. I couldn't feel it but Bryce said he did slip. Oh well. It was a great time and Bryce got to have an hour of being a "cowboy".

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