Thursday, March 1, 2012


Wow, I can't believe that I haven't blogged since December! I just wanted to give you an update of what was going on because I have some big news!!

I am going to school!! I start on Monday!! I am going to Ameritech college for Medical Assisting. It is a year program so I will finish Feb 2013. I am sooo excited! I finally feel like I am moving forward with life rather then just working. School will place me in a doctor's office for an internship which then I will normally be hired from there. I can't wait.

Other then that, Bryce got a new job at Eddie Robinson's fly shop. It's a lot closer then Cabelas so we save money because he doesn't have to drive so far and he gets paid more. He is still in school and has changed his  major from accounting to teaching. He has about 3 years left of school before he can be a real adult. I can't wait.
For now we are working and going to school. We are just livin the life of college students. Fun Stuff!

Anyways that is all.

Love, Jordyn

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