Sunday, July 29, 2012


Since we moved in to our bigger apartment we've had quite a few visitors! First, Kaylie came down from Rexburg for the weekend. She enjoyed having her own room to sleep in, instead of the sleeping in the living room. Next, my family came! They were in the process of moving to San Diego from Virginia so the stopped by for a few days. We crammed all of them in my house. We had my parents in the spare bedroom and the other 3 kids in the living room on the futon and the air mattress. Along with the dog and the cat. The next weekend Kaylie came again and we went to the USA vs Canada Women's Soccer send off to the Olympics game. That was fun!! 2 weeks after that Granny and Glenn came for 2 weeks. They went and did alot of fun stuff around Utah and stayed at my house. They left on a Friday morning and that same day I drove to Rexburg to pick up Kaylie and Brittany so they could fly to San Diego on Tuesday. During the time Kaylie was here we had people over for a movie and a dinner! We have had a fun time with all the people visiting but are so glad to have our house back! Here are some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so busy and fun! I'm so glad you love your new place, it looks so cute!! I hope everything is going well. Miss you!
