Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pregnancy Update 26 weeks

Pregnancy update on baby Reagan! Officially 7 months!

25 weeks 6 days

  • How far along? 26 weeks 3 days
  • How big is baby? The size of a papaya, 2 lbs and 13-15 inches from crown to heel
  • Total weight gain? Unsure, at least 2 lbs though because Reagan weighs 2 lbs
  • Maternity Clothes? Yes
  • Best moment this week? Getting up to Washington to start my new adventure
  • Miss Anything? My job!
  • Movement?: Yes. It's so fun to watch. Bryce can feel her too. She is mostly active right before bed and in the morning.
  • Food cravings? Not right now
  • Food aversions? None, really.
  • Symptoms? Fatigue, bloating
  • Labor Signs: Nope! 
  • Belly Button in or out? In.
  • Wedding Rings on or off: On!
  • Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
  • Looking forward to: Getting my house unpacked and her room done
  • Next appointment? It should be in 2 weeks, but since I just moved I will need to find a new OB!

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