Thursday, September 16, 2010


My Husband!

Pretty cute huh? I sure think so!

Let's just say it is so much fun saying "husband" rather then "fiance or boyfriend"
even though we have only been married for 2 weeks plus a few days, it was definitely the best descion of my life!
Love you!

A few more wedding pictures!

Kindred Family

Clark Family

My Parents

Bryce's Parents

Bridesmaids: Riley, Maycen, Holley, Taylor, Kaylie, and Jenny

Groomsmen: Robert, Kyle and Brett

My Maid of Honor, Jenny

Riley's shoes, My shoes and Bouquet

Wedding Party
Robert, Kyle, Brett, Bryce, Me, Jenny, Riley, Maycen, Holley, Taylor, and Kaylie

Riley stealing a picture

My cute cake and my super cute cupcakes!

cutting the cake

Mmm, this cake was soooo good!
sour cream white cake with raspberry filling

stealing a kiss!

Bouquet Toss!
(Kaylie caught it)

Garter Toss!
(my cousin Koby caught the garter)

And...where off! See ya later!

All in all, the wedding was beautiful and the reception turned out great! I loved everything about it and wouldn't change it for one thing!

Thanks to everyone who was there to celebrate this special day with us!

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