Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Update!

Just an update on what's been going on with the Clark's!

  • We are finally moved in and we have no more boxes in our house!

  • We both work full time

  • Bryce likes to go fishing on his days off

  • We're pregnant!

  • I need my mom to come out and visit me to help me decorate my house

  • We need visitors in general.

  • We're actually NOT pregnant--hehe

  • We need more married friends to hang out with!

  • We do not eat out as much as we use to while we were dating, but I still don't know how to cook.

  • I still need a kitchen aid

  • We've put alot of money in savings! Woohoo

  • I'm buying my Dyson vacuum cleaner, TODAY!

  • I need to post picture of my house on my blog
And that's about it. Not much goin on, we pretty much live at our jobs. If I'm at work then he's at home (I mean fishing), or he's at work and I'm home. Oh well.

Anyways, that's it! Have a wonderful day!

PS- If you are interested in fishing, be sure to check out Bryce's blog:

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