Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This Thanksgiving Bryce and I were able to go up to Bellingham to visit his family. It was a really fun trip! We ate at different restaurants that Bryce loves to go to and different stores with man stuff in it. The girls took a day trip to Seattle while Bryce and his dad went fishing. Taylor, Holley and I had another girls day where we went to lunch and to see Breaking Dawn. It was a really fun trip and although I was FREEZING TO THE BONE for the whole week we are grateful we were able to go up. 

Taylor, Holley and I on Thanksgiving

I have the best sister in laws!

Bryce on the Boardwalk

On the Boardwalk

Too Cool

Holley curled my hair

Bryce and I on Thanksgiving

Seattle Skyline

The Gum Wall

Contributing to the Gum Wall

Playing with Holley's goats

I also found some of Bryce's baby pictures so I can see what our future kids will look like! Haha
Little Bryce

He is the cutest little kid!
I am grateful for everything in my life right now. I am truly blessed. I am excited for this Christmas season and the new year ahead. I have some exciting news! (no, we're not pregnant).

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