Friday, August 1, 2014

Baby Clark

Baby Clark: Due December 2014.

Yepp, Bryce and I are having a baby! Due December 18, 2014! We are having a girl and her name is Reagan Nicole Clark. Right now I am 20 weeks! Half way there! Bryce has only spent a few weeks total with me throughout the pregnancy. When he came in July we went over to my work (I work in OB/GYN) and had an ultrasound so he could see our cute babe! I think that is when it really became real for him. We are very excited/nervous/scared/happy for this new adventure!

So, I've always wanted to have a baby but the timing just never felt right, even though friends of mine were already working on baby #2 or #3! Bryce and I discussed it and planned to move to a town home in April when our lease was up and then we would start trying in April. Every time I would think about it and try to move up the time of trying I just kept coming back to April and thinking "just wait, it will work out". So then I would go with that feeling and be okay with waiting. Then I would think about moving it up again and that thought would come back "just wait till April, it will work out". I finally stopped worrying about it and would plan think about it again in April. Then when Bryce got his job offer in February and we learned I wouldn't have to work up in Washington (unless I wanted too) and if I stayed here for the summer to pay off all our bills I could stay at home I knew that now was our time to start trying for a baby! Even though it wasn't April yet, I knew we were waiting for this moment and timing in our life. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom and I feel so blessed to be able to do that. 

Except I was nervous, I have some issues with my "lady cycles" so I knew I would need some help getting pregnant. Luckily I work at the best place for it! I went and saw my doctor, told her the situation and said I only have 2 months to try and get pregnant before Bryce leaves. I immediately started a medication to induce "aunt flow" and then had to take Clomid (a medication to help you ovulate-which my body wasn't doing naturally). I took the medicine, had a few ultrasounds to make sure things were working and they were! 6 days before I was supposed to miss my period I took an early pregnancy test. Negative. I was sad-but still hopeful because I was still early. Then a few days later I decided to take a random test again, just to see (it's hard not to take tests when you're really hoping it will happen-especially because you only have 2 months to try and it can take up to 6 months for normal fertile couples to get pregnant) and the line was so faint but it was positive! I was so excited! Bryce didn't believe it and neither did my mom but I saw the 2nd line! I took another test the day after I missed my period and it was much darker so I knew I was pregnant for sure!

At 6 weeks we saw the heartbeat on the ultrasound and things have been going well ever since! I don't have any nausea, although I throw up in the mornings- but then I feel great the rest of the day! I feel very blessed that I am not sick all the time. I don't have baby bump pictures because it still looks like my pre pregnancy chub but here are some pictures of Reagan!

Announcement for Facebook and Instagram at 12 weeks

Announcement of her gender at 16 weeks

Looking healthy at 18 weeks!

Bryce, Jordyn and Baby Reagan

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