Friday, August 1, 2014


Well, Bryce moved already. In February Bryce was offered a job to work for his dad up in Bellingham, WA. We decided that it would be the best for us to take the offer. The only problem was, it was so soon! Bryce had to officially start in July but needed to have training done so needed to start in May. We discussed our options of me staying in Utah till the end of August to continue working and saving money/paying off debt before moving and then not needing to work after I moved up OR me moving up with him and trying to find a job for a few months (more on that in the next post). We decided staying in Utah for the rest of the summer would be our best option. (And we have paid off almost ALL our debt!)

I went up to visit Bryce over Memorial Day weekend and he came down here in July. It is now August 1st and I have only 27 more days of living in the state. I can't believe it. My last day of work is August 28 (also our 4 year anniversary) and then I am heading down to San Diego to visit my family for 2 weeks to hang out and do Disneyland. Bryce will fly down the second week of September and go to Disney with us and then him and I will drive up the coast of California on our way to Washington. I am hoping to stop in San Francisco and do the fun stuff there!

This move is a small reason for what happened next...

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