Friday, May 21, 2010

I bought my...WEDDING DRESS!

 I went with Jenny (my best friend, roomate and of course maid of honor) and Kallee my other friend/roomate. I tried a bunch on and this was the 3rd one I tried. It's really light and flowly and I won't be dying hot when I get married in August. Which is a big plus! I tried a couple of others on and they just didn't fit me like this one did. So I had them hold it, I talked to my mom and the next day I went back and bought it! I don't even need any alterations on it, which is nice because they are extra money. But all I have to say is it's perfect! It makes my waste look smaller and the girls up top smaller too! (which normally I don't think people would go for the smaller up top look but I am). I'm so excited to wear it! I get to pick it up June 2. I also have my shoes to match. Things are starting to come together and I'm getting pretty excited! Officially less than 100 days till WE get married! (99 to be exact!) Anyways, I would post a picture but I can't incase Bryce tries to sneak a peek ;)

Love you all! :)