Saturday, May 29, 2010

I can't wait!

Not only can I not wait till I get married but I really can't wait to have kids either! (Don't worry, we are planning to wait a few years first). I go and blog stalk other people's blogs and my favorite things to read are what they write about their kids and the cute and funny comments they make! I feel that once I have that to blog about my blog will be more interesting. I'm having baby fever and I just want to play with the cute little kids. I'm thinking about after the summer get a job being a nanny or something. So I can get my baby/little kid fix without having to have my own right now. I think it would be so fun and I think I'd really enjoy it!

I'm also excited the summer is almost here (I'm wearing jeans, it's a little chilly outside and it's the end of May) but now I want it to be over! August can't get here soon enough. We officially have less than 3 months (as of yesterday) left on the countdown. I'm so excited to go see my family and spend time with them and to see Bryce's family again and have our families meet! And most importantly I can't wait to be sealed for time and ALL eternity to the one I love! How exciting right?! <3

Sorry for not blogging everyday but I really have nothing going on. And when something new does come along, of course I'll post it! June 19 we're getting our engagement pictures done so pictures should be coming up here at the end of June, depending how much time I have to get them on here. Anyways have a GREAT Memorial Day 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. you know what is SO great! tease him about you being pregnant all the time...It is not so funny for you when you think you may be....but other than is HELARIOUS!!! lol
